13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened In Benghazi

13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened In Benghazi

B. inggris 1.Dewi will visit her grandmonther temorrow
( - )
( ? )

2.Can we move this big table?
( + )
( - )

3.Some students will not open the window
( + )
( ? )

4. Can you get me any drink?
( + )
( - )

5. You must not answer these questions ( + )
( ? )​

1.Dewi will visit her grandmonther temorrow
( - )
( ? )

2.Can we move this big table?
( + )
( - )

3.Some students will not open the window
( + )
( ? )

4. Can you get me any drink?
( + )
( - )

5. You must not answer these questions ( + )
( ? )​


1. (-) Dewi will not visit her grandmother tomorrow.

(?) Will dewi visit her grandmother tomorrow?

2. (+) We can move this big table

(-) we can not move this big table

3. (+) Some students will open the window

(?) Will some students open the window?

4. (+) You can get me any drink

(-) Yoh can not get me any drink

5. (+) You must answer these questions

(?) must you answer these questions?


that's all. semoga bermanfaat


1.Dewi will visit her grandmonther temorrow

( - ) Dewi will not visit her grand mother tomorrow

( ? ) Will Dewi visit her grand mother tomorrow?

2.Can we move this big table?

( + ) We can move this big table

( - ) We cannot move this big table

3.Some students will not open the window

( + ) Some students will open the window

( ? ) Will Some students open the window?

4. Can you get me any drink?

( + ) You can get me any drink

( - ) You cannot get me any drink

5. You must not answer these questions

( + ) You must answer these questions

( ? ) Must you answer these questions?
